Presiden kudeta Mesir, Abdel Fattah As-Sisi, akan datang ke Indonesia hari ini, Jum’at 4 September 2015.
Lawatan As-Sisi ke Indonesia itu merupakan jawaban atas undangan resmi Presiden Joko Widodo yang disampaikan Alwi Shihab, Utusan Khusus Presiden RI, dalam kunjungannya ke Mesir pada awal Agustus lalu saat menghadiri upacara pembukaan Terusan Suez Baru.
Anda tahu siapa As-Sisi? Tanyalah pada zionis Israel.
Duta Besar Israel di Kairo Mesir menyampaikan kepada Menteri Pertanian Mesir Ayman Abu-Hadid bahwa orang-orang Israel memandang Abdul Fattah-Al-Sisi sebagai "pahlawan nasional". Bukan saja "pahlawan nasional" untuk Mesir, tetapi untuk semua orang Yahudi di Israel dan di seluruh dunia.
Demikian seperti diberitakan media Timteng middleeastmonitor dalam liputannya pada 19 Juli 2013, atau dua pekan pasca As-Sisi melakukan kudeta terhadap Presiden sah Mesir Muhammad Mursi pada 3 Juli 2013.
Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a "national hero for all Jews"
The Israeli ambassador in Cairo has told a minister in the interim government
that the people of Israel look upon General Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi as a "national hero". According to Israel Radio, the ambassador rang Agriculture Minister Ayman Abu-Hadid to congratulate him on his new post and said, "Al-Sisi is not a national hero for Egypt, but for all Jews in Israel and around the globe."
Israel is looking forward to the launch of new relationships with Egypt, said Yaakov Amitai, as well as joint efforts in the war on terror. His mention of "terror" is understood to be an oblique reference to President Mohamed Morsi’s supporters protesting against the coup which removed him from office.
The two men agreed on the resumption of the work of the Supreme Egyptian-Israeli Agricultural Committee. Meetings of the committee are held alternately in Cairo and Tel Aviv every six months. They also agreed to reactivate the Egyptian branch of the Future Leaders Network, which includes Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli youths.
Benang merahnya makin terlihat. Bendera Israel di Tolikara Papua dibiarkan marak dan berkibar. GIDI diundang ke Istana. Dan sekarang diktator haus darah yang telah membantai ribuan rakyat Mesir yang menentang kudeta sekarang diundang ke Istana Negara.
Israel is looking forward to the launch of new relationships with Egypt, said Yaakov Amitai, as well as joint efforts in the war on terror. His mention of "terror" is understood to be an oblique reference to President Mohamed Morsi’s supporters protesting against the coup which removed him from office.
The two men agreed on the resumption of the work of the Supreme Egyptian-Israeli Agricultural Committee. Meetings of the committee are held alternately in Cairo and Tel Aviv every six months. They also agreed to reactivate the Egyptian branch of the Future Leaders Network, which includes Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli youths.
Benang merahnya makin terlihat. Bendera Israel di Tolikara Papua dibiarkan marak dan berkibar. GIDI diundang ke Istana. Dan sekarang diktator haus darah yang telah membantai ribuan rakyat Mesir yang menentang kudeta sekarang diundang ke Istana Negara.